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20 Funny Riddles To Ask Your kids

    Riddles are a great way to keep kids entertained when they don’t have access to any of their toys or games. They can be used when you are waiting for your food to arrive in a restaurant, or when you are on a long car journey. As well as being fun, they can also boost your child’s creative thinking and increase their verbal fluency when trying to explain their thought process. It teaches them to think beyond the obvious answer and this is a skill that will continue to benefit them throughout their lives. Some great riddles for kids of all ages can be found below.

    Table of Contents

    Q: Where can you find towns and cities, streets, shops and restaurants but no people?

    A map.

    Q: What is so fragile that it becomes broken just by whispering its name?


    Q: Where would you find a bank that never has any money and a bed that nobody sleeps in?

    A river.

    Q: Everyone has it and they can’t lose it. What is it?

    A shadow.

    Q: I am on the dinner table for every meal but I never get eaten. What am I?

    Plates and dishes.

    Q: You can hear this and even control it, but you can’t see it or touch it. What is it?

    Your voice.

    Q: If a blue stone was thrown into the red sea what would it become?


    Q: Which word contains twenty six letters, but still only has three syllables?


    Q: I have wings and a tail and you can see me flying in the sky. I am not a bird. What am I?

    A kite.

    Q: The more of these you take, the more that will get left behind. What are they?


    Q: What is lighter than a feather, but even strong people cannot hold it for very long?

    Your breath.

    Q: I am something that belongs to you, but other people will use it more than you. What am I?

    Your name.

    Q: You will see me once in a minute, twice in a moment but I will never appear in a thousand years. What am I?

    The letter M.

    Q: I have a face and two hands, but no arms and legs. What am I?

    A clock.

    Q: What word has an E at the beginning and the end, but only contains one letter?


    Q: You can not use me until I am broken. What am I?

    An egg.

    Q: When is the only time Friday will come before Thursday?

    When you are looking at a dictionary.

    Q: You throw a ball as hard as you can. It doesn’t touch anything or anybody but still comes back to you. How is this possible?

    If you throw it up into the air.

    Q: I come out at night even though I am never called. I am lost in the day but I have not been stolen. What am I?

    A star

    Q: What is the last thing that everyone takes off before they go to bed?

    Their feet off the floor.

    Q: I have four legs but I never take one step. What am I?

    A table.

    Q: Why is an island like the letter T.

    You will find them both in the middle of water.

    Q: A pocket is empty but there is still something in it. How is this possible?

    It has a hole in it.

    Q: Can you name three consecutive days without naming any of the days of the week?

    Yesterday, today and tomorrow.

    Q: I go through towns and over hills but I never move. What am I?

    A road.

    Q: In what kind of room will you find no windows and no doors?

    A mushroom.

    Q: You can put me on a table and cut me, but I will never be eaten. What am I?

    A pack of cards.

    Q: I never ask any questions but people will always answer me. What am I?

    A telephone.

    Q: When the rain starts to come down I go up. What am I?

    An umbrella.

    Q: It’s head is lost in the morning but comes back every night. What is it?

    A pillow.

    Q: I have eighty-eight keys but I will never be able to open a single door. What am I?

    A piano.

    Q: Anyone can catch me but no-one can throw me. What am I?

    A cold.

    Q: I can travel around the world but I always stay in the same spot. What am I?

    A stamp.

    Q: I have no hands but you can hear me clap. What am I?


    Kids will love solving these riddles and we hope that they will find them a lot of fun. Solving riddles is something that appeals to both children and adults, so it is something that you can do together as a family. You could ask your children to try and make up their own riddles for you to solve.

    A love of riddles can also help your child with their socialization skills. When they come across a riddle that they find really funny, they will want to share it with other people. This could be parents and siblings, other relatives or their friends at school. Talking about riddles can really get the conversation flowing and it will get children interacting with a wide range of different people.

    One of the biggest benefits of solving riddles for your kids is that they are learning all these different skills without even realising it. They are just having fun trying to solve all these riddles and maybe coming up with their own. The riddles that we have included above are a great place to start if you want to try to catch your kids out. There are so many benefits of solving riddles for kids but the main thing is that they are just a lot of fun.

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